How to sharpen your senses - Part One

You can truly learn to sharpen your senses, and in particular, improve your nose and brain’s ability to identify scents. It just takes a little practice.

Let’s start with your sense of smell:

Did you know…

… that our nostrils take turns breathing every 2 to 4 hours? This “nasal cycle” can be affected by our body position or level of nasal congestion.

… that when air temperature drops, air and scent molecules become denser?

… that our sense of smell is stronger when there is higher moisture content in the air?

… that our sense of smell is higher after exercise (exercising stimulates parts of the brain associated with smell)?

… that prolonged exposure to bad smells diminishes (temporarily) our ability to smell?

… that a stuffy nose means blocked nerve receptors?

… that Zinc and B12 deficiencies (and other food deficiencies) have been associated with a diminished sense of smell?

Here are 5 easy steps to start sharpening your sense of smell:

1/ Stop a few times a day, close your eyes, and breathe slowly and deeply to relax, and engage your sense of smell.⁠

2/ Start an “olfactory journal” (jot down the various smells you notice. Don’t forget to include the scents of the foods you eat and visualize appealing scents or fragrances).

3/ Choose 3 or 4 scents you love and take a good sniff of each one. This will stimulate the olfactory receptors in your nose. Sniff each fragrance for a few seconds. Do this 2 or 3 times a day. Avoid sniffing too hard or too long. Also, remember to sniff other things like spices, flowers, fruit, etc…

4/ Exercise more and watch your diet.

5/  Use a neti pot or sinus rinse to keep your sinuses moist and clear of congestion.

Being outdoors, filling your lungs with fresh air, and smelling the scents of the earth, trees, water, and even rocks all contribute to improving your mood, your sleep, and overall wellbeing.

If you are not able to be outdoors, try diffusing a few drops of your favorite essential oils (f you have a large diffuser, you’ll also get the benefits of more moisture in the air). Rosemary for example sharpens your mind; lavender, frankincense, vetiver or chamomile relieve anxiety; citrus uplift your spirits… and the list goes on…

In terms of your skin and hair beauty, beware that mass-produced skincare and haircare products often contain artificial fragrances to cover up chemical smells or to give them a scent that appears natural.⁠ These artificial fragrances have no therapeutic benefits.

By contrast, you can smell each beautiful ingredient in all of our products. They are fresh, botanical, and as close to their original form as possible. We have nothing to hide! ⁠

Try our trio of Wellness Body Oils (HAPPY, CALM, and TONED), each designed to help you look, feel, and smell beautiful, naturally, from head to toe.⁠.. Go ahead… sniff your way to bliss!